Thursday 17 November 2011

chinese tea

Oolong tea(Wu Long Tea,or WuLong Tea) is a semi-oxidized tea, occupying the middle ground between green and black teas. Combining the best qualities of green tea and black tea.

Green tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis, or tea plant. Oolong and black tea are also produced from the plant, but are processed and oxidized in different manners. 
 He history of white tea manufacturing is shorter than other tea types. As recorded, white tea was firstly created in Fuding county in 1796.

While references to tea in Chinese literature go back approximately 5,000 years, the origin of tea's use as a beverage is unclear. Ancient folklore places the creation of the brew at 2737 BC, when a camellia blossom drifted into a cup of boiled drinking water belonging to Emperor Shen Nung. However, most scholars credit a reference found in Erh Ya, an ancient Chinese dictionary, dated about 350 BC.

Chinese tea is a beverage, Chinese tea is a pass time, Chinese tea is a culture. Whatever you think Chinese tea is, Chinese tea is a life time of enjoyment.If you are new to Chinese tea, this site contains interesting Chinese tea knowledge that would get you started.Waste no time, let's do Chinese tea!